Darlane Litaay is a performer and choreographer. Drawing strength from Melanesian roots and physical expression to ride the hybrid witch, that friendly magical phenomena of life.
This blog is a portfolio of His journey - please click tabs in the horizontal bar above. Inquiries please email L_darl@yahoo.com

Call / About

e-mail: L_darl@yahoo.com

Video Artworks

Sound Artworks

born Sorong, West Papua - Indonesia
Currently, the flight back to Jayapura Papua from Brooklyn - New York City

People said I am an Artist, 
but I think I am not
I like make things talk with computer programming
but my body has been trained in some random Indonesian dances more than 1000 times
and I have been choreographing myself and the others
also, I compose music for my own works with physical instruments or software
Sometimes people watch me make performance art, 
but I was not sure that it was performance art, lemme know!
I produce art films, I choose the scenes but are randomly composed itself by AI, not me.
I love swimming, baking, skating, and blading.


In terms of academia, I studied with Jennifer McCoy, David Grubbs, Ayana Evans, Ryan Holsopple, Douglas Geers, and John Jannone, Martinus Miroto. 

2025 till present
Head of the Department of Performing Arts at Indonesia Institute of The Arts and Culture Papua (ISBI Tanah Papua)

2013 till present
Lecturer at Indonesia Institute of The Arts and Culture Papua (ISBI Tanah Papua)


A choreograph concept for Landscape & Body (tour) in Yogyakarta and Jayapura  - Indonesia

A choreograph concept for Landscape & Body (tour) in PACT Zollverein - Germany


Artist in Borobudur Write & Cultural Festival - Indonesia. (Online)
Artist in Performance Space - Sydney Australia. 

Assistance Director in Postcolonial Spirit, Solo - Berlin (telepresence)
PACT Zollverein Essen (canceled)
KunstFestSpiele Hannover Herrenhausen.

Artist in Garasi Performance Institute - Yogyakarta Indonesia. 
Artist in PACT Zollverein - Germany. (canceled)
Artist in Festsplielhaus Hellerau Dresden - Germany. (canceled)

Artist in Residenz Schauspiel Leipzig - Germany.
Artist in Potsdam Tanzstage On Fabric Potsdam, Germany.
Artist in Theater Studio, Esplanade, Singapore.

Performer at Indonesian Dance Festival - Salihara Theater - Jakarta Indonesia.
Artist in Nubun Tawa Festival, Larantuka Flores Timur NTT.
Artist in Odeon Theatre, Vienna Austria.
Coproduction Fund exchange, Goethe Institute, Bangkok.
Created Workshop Opera Paradise, supported by the Ministry of Education and Culture.

Artist in Theater Studio, Esplanade, Singapore.
Residency artist on Europalia International Festival at Ultimavez Studio, Brussels, Belgium.
Artist in Nexus Art, Adelaide, South Australia.
Artist collaboration in Tanzhauz, Dusseldorf Germany.

Artist in Sophiensaele, Berlin Germany.
Cultural Travel in Ministry of Education and Cultural Indonesia.

Residency artist in Mousonturm-Frankfurt, Fabriktanz-Berlin Germany.

Artist in Namoodak Laboratory Movement, Cheongsong South Korea.

Participate to CPI 문화동반자 Official Page (MCST Korea 문화체육관광, KCTI 한국문화관광연구원) http://www.culturefriends.or.kr/cpi_kor/.

Member in 안동축제관광조직위원회.

Formal Studies
(Performance and Interactive Media Arts) Brooklyn College of The City University of New York.
(Maori Cultures), Auckland University and Technology, Auckland, New Zealand.
(Korean Cultures), Andong National University, Andong, South Korea.
(Dance Departement), Indonesian Institute of the Arts (ISI), Yogyakarta,  Indonesia.
(Electrical Engineering) AKPRIND Institute of Science & Technology, Yogyakarta, Indonesia.

Best Presenter Business Initiate Plan Competition, 5ME Entrepreneur LPDP 
Indonesia Endowment for Education Scholarship (LPDP) Awardee.

Interdisciplinary / Performance Art / Tech Works

  • Artificial Unintelligent, Kecerdasan Buatan dan Seni, Seminar Nasional IKJ 2023, Online 
  • Thesis Project Performance, Vanilla, the prototype featuring Feedback Loop: Digital Memory Research Unit Part IV at The Living Gallery, Brooklyn New York City.  
  • Thesis Project Performance, featuring Feedback Loop: Digital Memory Research Unit Part III at the Old Earth, Tunnel, Brooklyn New York City
  • Thesis Project Performance, featuring Feedback Loop: Digital Memory Research Unit Part I at The Sunview Luncheonette, Brooklyn New York City
  • Performance in a book lunch party for PPL's Operating Manual For An Opera-Of-Operations Embarrassed Of The (W)Hole Present by Uglyduckling Presse. in KGB BAR / RED ROOM, Manhattan New York City. 
  • speel, performance in the Contact, in the 2022 Ammerman Biennial Symposium for Arts and Technology in New London - Connecticut, the USA.
  • kata, performance with Lucy Hollier in the 32nd Biannual International Electroacoustic Music Festival Don Buchwald Hall. Brooklyn - New York City.
  • Performance in The Ivory Tower and The Open Worlds at Metropolitan Avenue (front of The Brick Theater) Brooklyn New York.
  • Performance in an exhibition Buscando a Marina by Jean Carla Rodea in MHProject East Village, Manhattan New York. 
  •   https://www.darl.info ... ---> This web was only activated in 2022  

Commander Works

  • Vowel AIUEO, participatory performance with Civil Servants, at the Orientation for Civil Servants, Pusdiklat Depok, Indonesia.
  • Vowel AIUEO, participatory performance with LPDP Awardees, at the Pengayaan Affirmasi, Jakarta, Indonesia.
Choreo-edit Works

  •  let me follow you, filming in New York City as a part of a video art advance project. Brooklyn College
  • strata, filming in New York City, as a part of Borobudur Write and Cultural Festival 10, Indonesia
  • work on progress video presentation, part of Live Dream: ISLAND Performance Space, Live Work Festival, Sydney, Australia.
  • Redesign Hospitality
  • Undetected

Dance (in frame/screen) works

  • Dance with the Minotaur,  part of modular Multitude of Peer Gynts, Garasi Performance Institute, Interasia. 
  • Vibo, Dance in ASIA 2020, Nibroll.
  • Sepic Covid, at the International Webinar On Mask Of Global Society & The Dance Of Maestro

Choreography works

  • Samanim 
  • Collaboration Interdisciplinary Performance across departments of ISBI Tanah Papua at the Irian Creative Week (Part4) 2024 Lapangan Karang,  Entrop, Jayapura, Papua, Indonesia. 

  • Ikan Mati, at the Festival Kesenian Indonesia 11, ISI Denpasar, Bali, Indonesia. 

  • Melan, at the Bedog Arts Festival, Banjarmili Dance Studio, Yogyakarta, Indonesia
  • Horizon Delay, at the Bali Arts Festival, Panggung Ayodya, Art Center, Bali, Indonesia. 

  • Morning Star Dark Valley, at the Indonesian Dance Festival, Salihara Theater, Jakarta, Indonesia. 
  • Rider on Collaboration, at the Nubun Tawa Festival, Bukut Eta Kenere, Lewolema, Larantuka Flores Timur, Indonesia.
  • Merajut Indonesia, at the Bhinneka Fest, On Lapangan Gor Agus Salim, Padang, Indonesia.
  • Opera Paradise, at the Ministry of Education and Cultural Programs, On Kampus ISBI Tanah Papua, Jayapura, Papua Indonesia.

  • Rider, at the Jakarta Biennale, On Gudang Sarinah Jakarta, Indonesia.
  • Morning Star Dark Valley, at the Europalia Arts Festival, On Cultur Centrum Strombeck, Belgium.
  • Specific Space Needs Specific Dance, at the Oz Asia Festival, On Nexus, Adelaide, Australia.
  • Specific Space Needs Specific Dance, at the Spring Performing Arts Festival, On Stadsschouwburg Blauwe Zaal Utrecht The Netherlands.
  • Warni Warna at the Skyland To #4, On Kafe Jokowi, Skyline, Jayapura, Papua.
  • Kelapa Muda, at the Skyland To #3, On Kafe Jokowi, Skyline, Jayapura, Papua.

  • Specific Space Needs Specific Dance, at the Indonesia Dance Festival, On Teater Kecil TIM, Jakarta, Indonesia.
  • Rider, at the Witch Dance Festival, on Sophiensaele, Berlin, Germany.
  • Dream, at the Dharma Santi, on Surya Agung Bhuana Temple, Jayapura Papua, Indonesia

  • Nol, at the Bulan Budaya Lombok Sumbawa, on Lombok, Nusa Tenggara Barat, Indonesia.

  • Puncak Pesisir, at the Grant Arts from Kelola Foundation, on Taman Budaya Papua, Jayapura, Papua, Indonesia.
  • Telinga Tropisat the Grant Arts from Kelola Foundation, on Taman Budaya Papua, Jayapura, Papua, Indonesia.
  • Adelsi, at the Asiatri, on Karang Klethak, Yogyakarta, Indonesia.
  • @yang duduk, at the Temu Karya Seni Rupa Indonesia, on Museum Papua, Jayapura, Papua, Indonesia

  • Pi Si Ka, Performance at Salihara Programs, on Theater Salihara, Jakarta, Indonesia
  • Pig,  Dance Performance at the International Environmental Theater Project 2013, on  Namoodak Laboratory Movement, Cheongsong, South Korea.
  • Telo, a Dance performance at the Sepatu Menari, on Concert Hall Indonesian Institute of the Arts (ISI) Yogyakarta Indonesia.

  • God of Forest, Mask Dance Performance with CPI (Cultural Partnership Initiative) members 2012 at the Andong Mask Dance Festival, on Mask Dance Theater AFTF, Andong South Korea.
  • Kecapi, Dance Performance, at the Andong Mask Dance Festival, in Hahoe Village Andong South Korea.
  • Cak Papua, Dance Performance, at the Andong Mask Dance Festival, on Hahoe Village Andong South Korea.
  • Mbis, Mask Dance Performance, at the Daegu International Body Painting Festival, in Daegu South Korea.
  • Aku Papua with Live ElektronikPerformance, at the Indonesia Dance Festivals 11th, on Teater Kecil Taman Ismail Marzuki, Jakarta Indonesia.
  • Bahan-bahan JenderalPerformance, at the Sepatu Menari Spektakuler, on Concert Hall Indonesian Institute of the Arts (ISI) Yogyakarta Indonesia.
  • Untitled, Showcase, at the Obrolan Tari TeMBI, on Pendopo Tembi Rumah Budaya Yogyakarta Indonesia.
  • nDalem Koteka, at the World Dance Day / Dance 24 Hours, on Teater Besar Indonesian Institute of the Arts (ISI) Surakarta Indonesia.
  • Prabumiat the Srawung Seni Segara Gunung, on Aksobya Stage, Borobudur Temple, Central Java Indonesia.
  • Belum Gambyong Pareanomat the Sepatu Menari “G’tar Cinta Budaya", on Indonesian Institute of the Arts (ISI) Yogyakarta Indonesia.

  • Tari Berbunga Cinta, at the Jagongan Wagen, on Padepokan Seni Bagong Kussudiarja Yogyakarta Indonesia.
  • Suiwa Project, at the Grant Arts from Kelola Foundation, on Banjarmili Dance Studio Environment and LIP/CCF Yogyakarta Indonesia.
  • Teknologi Mengejar Tradisiat the Festival Kesenian Yogyakarta XXIII 2011, on Benteng Vredeburg Yogyakarta Indonesia.
  • Alfa dan Omegaat the Religious Rise Up for Spiritual (Jesus Love Papua People) with Bumi Kasih Papua Foundation, on JBN Hall Yogyakarta Indonesia.
  • Ini Kami Bintang Kejora di Tanah Emasat the Forum Musik Tembi, on Tembi Rumah Budaya Yogyakarta Indonesia.
  • P.... Sanggul Kribo = PSKat the Tari Bulan Ganjil, on Taman Budaya Jawa Tengah Surakarta Indonesia.
  • Sanggul Kribo, at the Sepatu Menari Spektakuler 2011, on Concert Hall ISI Yogyakarta Indonesia.

  • The Return Legend of Roro Jonggrangat The Legend of Roro Jonggrang, collaborates with Didik Nini Thowok, on Candi Prambanan Yogyakarta Indonesia.
  • Mulihat the Jagongan Wagen Special edition September, on Padepokan Seni Bagong Kussudiarja Yogyakarta Indonesia.
  • Aku Papuaat the Final Project Dance Department ISI Yogyakarta, on Dance Stage Indonesia Institute of The Arts (ISI) Yogyakarta Indonesia.
  • Sajojo 500 Penariat the 1 Abad Mukthamar Muhammadiah, on Mandala Krida Stadium Yogyakarta Indonesia.
  • No Mind Danceat the Jagongan Wagen February edition, on Padepokan Seni Bagong Kussudiarja Yogyakarta Indonesia.

  • Wayang Premanat the Festival Teater Remaja, on Stage Theatre Indonesia Institute of The Arts (ISI) Yogyakarta Indonesia.
  • Indo Etnisiaat the Launching Jogja Project Community, on Auditorium MMTC Yogyakarta Indonesia.

  • Orang AIDSat the Hari AIDS with KRT Daud Wirya Hadinagoro and Forum Cinta Anak Bangsa, on Monumen Oemoem 1 Maret Yogyakarta Indonesia.
  • Mbis In The Riverat the Festival Bedhog Art Nighton Banjarmili Dance Studio Yogyakarta Indonesia.
  • Mbisat the Festival Cak Durasim, on Surabaya Indonesia.

  • Ba’Abuat the Environment Choreography, on Jogja National Museum Yogyakarta Indonesia

Art Worker of Experiences (selection)

  • As a choreographer for "Samanim" an opera lamen by with Septina Layan, at Gor Hiad Sai, Merauke Papua, Indonesia
  • As a choreographer for "Samanim" an opera lamen by with Septina Layan, at Indonesia Bertutur, Nusa Dua Bali, Indonesia 
  • Collaboration with Yola Yulfianti "Aku Merindukanmu, Hanya Kamu Yang ada di Hatiku" part of Workshop Seni Lintas Disiplin, at ISBI Tanah Papua, Jayapura, Indonesia.
  • Collaboration with Yola Yulfianti "Aku Merindukanmu, Hanya Kamu Yang ada di Hatiku" part of Dansity Open Rehearsal, Theater Utan Kayu, Jakarta, Indonesia.
  • Collaboration with Daniel Kooter, Elisa Limberg, Sarah Israel, and Ikbal Lubys, "Landscape and Body" at the Residenz Schauspiel Leipzig, Germany.
  • Performance with Action Community, Apresiasi Kreasi Indonesia, Jayapura, Papua, Indonesia
  • Dancing with Saung Budaya for Dance Parade, New York City
  • Creative Team Host, Temu Seni Musik - Indonesia Bertutur, Jayapura, Papua
  • Social Engage Art Project with the Feedback Loop, Performing the Archive,  at Interference Archive (online) and Chaos Computer, Brooklyn NYC. the USA.  
  • A movement consultant for Hasht Peykar Hasht Peykar /eight bodies/figures/portraits, a MFA thesis project by Hengameh Falla at Bed-Stuy Art House, Brooklyn New York USA.
  • Collaboration with Daniel Kooter, Elisa Limberg, Sarah Israel, and Ikbal Lubys, "Landscape and Body" tour at the PACT Zollverein, Germany
  • Assistance Director for Postcolonial Spirit by Choy Ka Fai, telepresence from Solo Indonesia to HAU1 Berlin, Germany. The works then continue to Tanzhaus NRW (2022), and Spring Dance Fest Utrecht (2022).

  • Collaboration with Yudi Tahjudin & Ugoran Prasad, "Dance with the Minotaur",  part of modular Multitude of Peer Gynts at http://urfearmpg.net, Garasi Performance Institute, Indonesia.

  • Collaboration with Daniel Kooter, Elisa Limberg, Sarah Israel, and Ikbal Lubys, "Landscape and Body" at the Residenz Schauspiel Leipzig, Germany.
  • Collaboration with Choy Ka Fai "Dance Clinic" at the Potsdam Tanzstage On Fabric Potsdam, Germany.
  • As Choreographer for "Seni Budayaku Jiwaku" at Bulan Bung Karno On Campus ISI Denpasar, Bali Indonesia.
  • As Choreographer for ISBI contingent at Bali Arts Festival Parade, Banjar Sandi, Denpasar Bali Indonesia.
  • As Performer artist playing the role of Creon "Rubber Girl on the loose" at the Cake Theatre Production On Esplanade Theater Bay, Singapore.

  • Collaboration with Choy Ka Fai "Dance Clinic" at the Implutanz Festival On Odeon Theatre, Vienna Austria.
  • As a choreographer "Merajut Indonesia", collaborated with KRT Daud Wiryohadinaggoro, at the Bhinneka Fest, in Padang, Indonesia.
  • Coproduction Fund artist meeting between South East Asia and Germany, Goethe Institute, Bangkok. 

  • Collaboration with Choy Ka Fai "Dance Clinic" at the D'ans Festival On Esplanade, Singapore.
  • Collaboration with Choy Ka Fai "Dance Clinic" On Tanzhauz, Dusseldorf, Germany.

  • As choreographer and dancer "Menembus Kegelapan" at the Festival Kesenian Indonesia 9, with Indonesia Institute of The Arts and Culture Papua. On ISI Padang Panjang, Padang, Indonesia.
  • Participant Workshop "New Dramaturg" at the Art Summit Indonesia 8, On Dia.Lo.Gue, Kemang Jakarta Selatan Indonesia 
  • Receive LPDP Scholarship from the Ministry of Education and Culture Indonesia, at the "Pegiat Budaya" Program, In New Zealand.
  • Participant Workshop "Dramaturg, History and Practical" at the Art Summit Indonesia 8, On Kinosaurus, Kemang Jakarta Indonesia
  • Reviewer for "Nin & Rur", a Music piece by Markus Rumbino, Arts Grant by Kelola Foundation Tour Stage, Wamena Papua.
  • Choreographer at the Opening Torabicca Soccer Competition 2016, On Lapangan Mandala Jayapura Papua, Indonesia
  • Artist Guest at the Cinta Para Sahabat Papua, Alenia’s Under Cover Papua II (episode 2), on Metro TV Program’s, Jayapura Papua 

    • Performance collaboration with Hari Pochang, Gita Kinanthi, Ammy Kurniawan, Syarif Maulana, Patra Aditya, Wanggi Hoed, Amrus Ramadhan, at the Hai Bandung Collective Act #4, on Pikiran Rakyat Plaza, Asia Afrika Bandung, Indonesia.
    • Collaboration mask Suffering of Caping dance with I.C.I.D.C at the Anniversary of 10th Culture Partnership Initiative, on K – Hotel Seoul, South Korea.
    • Symposium Performative Presentation “Aku Papua” at the World Dance Alliance,  on Lassale University, Singapore.
    • Performance collaboration with Tian Rooteveel, at the Indonesia Lab, on Mousonturm, Frankfurt Germany.
    • Performance with I.C.A.D.C (Indonesia CPI AFTF Dance Company, at the Solo International Performing Arts, in Benteng Surakarta, Indonesia. 
    • Performance with Komunitas Honai Action, at the Festival Lima Gunung, on Magelang Central Java, Indonesia.    
    • Performance collaboration with Lifepatch community, Patrick Gunawan Hartono, at the Yogyakarta Arts Festival. on Taman Kuliner Condong Catur Yogyakarta, Indonesia.
    • Performance with Action Community Papua, at the Festival Lima Gunung, Magelang Central Java, Indonesia
    • Presentation Work in Progress with Tian Rooteveel, on Studio Plesungan, Surakarta, Indonesia. 
    • Choreographer and dancer, collaboration with Tian Roteveel and the Action Community, at the Festival Danau Sentani, on Khalkote, Jayapura, Papua. Indonesia.
    • Participant at the Choreolab South East Asia Program, with Arco Renz, in Rimbun Dahan, Malaysia. 

    • Ass director, "Harmoni Raja Ampat" with Martinus Miroto, at the SAIL Raja Ampat, on WTC beach, Raja Ampat, West Papua, Indonesia.
    • Choreographer, "Archipelago Dance", at the Pentas Seni, on Auditorium Universitas Cenderawasih, Jayapura, Papua, Indonesia.
    • Choreographer and dancer, "Prayer on Five Religion", at the Peace For Papua, on Auditorium Universitas Cenderawasih, Jayapura, Papua, Indonesia.

    • Composers, music presentation “Mochsa” with Roderick de Man, Gatot Danar Sulistiyanto, Piet Hein, at the Sound Adventure, on Padepokan Seni Bagong Kussudiardja, Yogyakarta, Indonesia.
    • Actor, "Evolution (Suanggi)" collaboration with Patrick Gunawan Hartono at the Waktu Indonesia Timur, Ikatan Keluarga Mahasiswa Timur ISI Yogyakarta on Taman Budaya Yogyakarta, Indonesia.
    • Choreographers and dancers, "Indonesia Mask Dance" collaboration with Ari Ersandi, at the Juang Mountain Camp in San Juang Cheongsong, South Korea.
    • Choreographers and dances, "Indonesia Mask Dance" at the Opening Ceremonial Ritual of Hahoe village, on  Hahoe village Andong, South Korea.
    • Choreographer and dancer, "Kamu-Flush" collaborated with Patrick Gunawan Hartono at the Bizarre On Stage Jogja Performance Art International, on Theater Stage Indonesia Institute of The Art Yogyakarta, Indonesia.

    • 3rd Silver Prize, Place Mask Dance Competition, on Andong Mask Dance Festival 2012, Andong Festival Tourism Foundation, Andong South Korea.
    • Choreographers and dancers, at the Andong Mask Dance Festival, on Andong Mask Dance Theater, Sinae (Downtown), Hahoe village, Andong South Korea.
    • Choreographer and dancer, at the Daegu International Body Painting Festival, in Daegu, South Korea.
    • Choreographers and dancers, at the International Mask Art Culture Organization (IMACO) International Mask Exhibition, on Small Gallery Gyeonggi Art Center, Suwon South Korea.
    • As Speaker, Artist Talk International Seminar at the Indonesian Dance Festivals 11th on Galeri Cipta III Taman Ismail Marzuki Jakarta, Indonesia
    • Choreographer and dancers, "Ketika Ayam bertemu Zebra munculah Jerapah bermain bersama" collaboration with Ba’bam, Ida Lawrance, Kinanti Sekar Rahina at the “Sepatu Menari Evolution” on Kolam Gazebo Indonesia Institute of The Arts Yogyakarta, Indonesia
    • Choreographer and dancers, "Ketika Ayam Ketemu Zebra" collaboration with Ba’bam at the Artist Residence by Ida Lawrance, on Tembi Rumah Budaya Yogyakarta, Indonesia
    • Choreographers and dancers, "BULE" collaboration with Ida Lawrance, at the Bizarre On Jogja Performance Art International, on Theater Stage Indonesia Institute of The Art Yogyakarta, Indonesia
    • Presentation, "dance 24 hours" at the Pucha Kucha Night 2 on Langgeng Art Foundation Yogyakarta, Indonesia.
    • Choreographers,  "Just Want....", at the Pekan Budaya Tionghoa VII 2012, on Ketandan Field Yogyakarta, Indonesia.
    • Choreographer and dancer, "Intropeksi", at the First Chrismast Celebrate on Courthouse Office Yogyakarta Indonesia.
    • Choreographers and dancers, "silent party" at the new year 2012, conceptor by Besar Widodo, on Jogja Village Inn, Yogyakarta, Indonesia

    • Choreographer and dancer, "From Old till Young", at the opening Christmas celebrate Indonesia New Testament Mission Church, on JBN Amazing Hall Yogyakarta, Indonesia.
    • Choreographer, "Aro Yamo" at the Shooting documentation Televisi Republik Indonesia (TVRI) national, on Open Air Prambanan Temple Yogyakarta Indonesia.
    • Choreographers and dancers at the Art Mission Visit Indonesia, with the Ministry of Economy Creative, on Open Air Pasir Putih Dili Timor Leste.
    • Choreographer, "Senandung EKAL" by Presley Talaut, on Teater Arena, ISI Yogyakarta, Indonesia.
    • Dancers, "Negeri Pelangi", collaboration with 16 paint artists, concept by Amron Paul Yuwono, choreographer Besar Widodo, on Jogja Village Inn, Yogyakarta, 
    • Indonesia.
    • Receive Arts Grant, category Innovate from Kelola Foundation, with the title "Suiwa Project", on Banjarmili Dance Studio and Centre Culturel Francais/LIP Yogyakarta Indonesia.
    • Choreographer, "Opera Jawa Modern" by Chozin Mukti at the Grant Arts from Kelola Foundation, on  Soccieted Building Yogyakarta, Indonesia.
    • Dancers, "Srimpi Sapu??", collaboration with Erina Okumura (Japan), Ida  Lawrance (Australia), Ank Palmer (Padang) at the Sepatu Menari Spektakuler, on Pendopo ISI Yogyakarta, Indonesia.

      • Assist Choreographers "Gol-gol for Papua etnic" by Setyasuti, at the Dirgahayu Indonesia Nationaly Army 64 th, on Madya Stadium, South Jakarta, Indonesia.
      • Dancing 24 hours at the World Dance Day, on Indonesia Institute of the Arts Surakarta, Central Java, Indonesia.
      • Choreographers at the “Comemoracao 18’ Aniversario Masacre Santa Cruz 12 De Novembro 1991-2009” Comissao Organizadora, on Gedung Olahraga Dili Timor Leste.

          • Choreographer and dancer, "Wong Ireng" Hiphop Dance at the Jogja Java Carnival, on Alun-alun Utara Yogyakarta, Indonesia.

            • Dancers"Wira Gajah Mada", Director by Haryoso, on Taman Budaya Yogyakarta, Indonesia.
            • Dancers, "Klana Topeng" (Javannese Traditional Mask Dance) on Bangsal Sri Manganti Keraton Yogyakarta, Indonesia.
            • Choreographer and dancer Reggae at the “Mon Décor” collaboration with Vagabond Band, in Taman Budaya Yogyakarta, Indonesia.
            • Dancers, "Orasi Budaya" by Dindin Hersandi, at the100 tahun hari Kebangkitan Nasional on Gedung Olahraga Majalaya Bandung, Indonesia.
            • Dancers, "Senja di Balik Layar" by  Melky J.E Neolaka on Taman Budaya Yogyakarta, Indonesia.
            • Dancers, "Rudal Revolution", at the New Year party Outer Space, on No Name Café  Batam, Indonesia.

            • Dancers, "HIT MEPUH" by Melky J.E Neolaka at the DIES NATALIS ISI Yogyakarta on Stage Theater ISI Yogyakarta, Indonesia.
            • Choreographer and dancers "Desember 26" movie production by X-Code Films in Yogyakarta, Indonesia.
            • Choreographer, "Penobatan Kepala Suku Papua" by Elly Rumanasen at the Ujian Teater Sutradara Maria B.E.Rianduli on Theater ISI Yogyakarta, Indonesia.
            • Choreographer and dancers at “Tourism For Humanity #2” collaboration with Vagabond Reggae Band at the KAMADIPA Faculty of Literature, on Gajah Mada University Yogyakarta, Indonesia.

            • Dancers, "Semburatnya Teja Negara Kertagama" by Marjono S. at the Hari “Kebangkitan Nasional on Trimurti Stage Prambanan Temple Yogyakarta, Indonesia.
            • Dancers, "Sohe Nyiir" by Novita Lau at the celebrate 250th Yogyakarta City Gebyar Budaya Nusantara on Balaikota Timoho Yogyakarta, Indonesia.
            • Dancers, "Sonata Borobudur" choreographed by Hendro Martono at the Sanggar Koreografi Malaysia on ASWARA Malaysia.
            • Dancers, "Pa’Doa", by Novita Lau at the Art to the Earth,  International Performing Art Festival, on Gabusan Park Bantul Yogyakarta, Indonesia.
            • Dancers, "Papua Ethnic" by Darmawan Dadjiono at the Easter Celebrate at Indonesia Christian Church of Gejayan, Yogyakarta, Indonesia.
            • Dancers, "El Koil Oot" by Novita Lau at the Sewindu Beber Seni, on Benteng Vredeburg Yogyakarta, Indonesia.
            • Dancers, "Bale Lahe Deo" by Margareth Djokaho, Final Project Dance Departement ISI Yogyakarta, on Dance Auditorium ISI Yogyakarta, Indonesia.
            • Pengrawit (Gamelan players), "Tari Golek Ayun-ayun" at the welcome of Thailand on Theater Arena ISI Yogyakarta, Indonesia.

            • Dancers, "Flobamora" by Novita Lau at the Open House Kenduri Seni Tiga Saudara on Omah Panggung Nitiprayan Yogyakarta, Indonesia.
            • Choreographers and dancers at the Painting Exhibition “Wake Up” Paint artist by Danny Stamp, collaboration with Jepang (Shiori), and Timur (Novita Lau) on LIP Yogyakarta, Indonesia.
            • Dancers, "Pesta Seni dan Budaya Dayak IV se-Kalimantan” by Hendrikus Landung on TBY Yogyakarta, Indonesia.
            • Dancers, "Sohe Igang" by Novita Lau at the Final Project Dance Departement ISI Yogyakarta, on Dance Auditorium ISI Yogyakarta, Indonesia.
            • Choreographers and dancers, "Three" collaboration with Emilly White (Amerika) and A.Aris Kadir (Malaysia) on Warung Galery Yogyakarta, Indonesia.
            • Choreographers and dancers at the “International Open Air Gallery III” in collaboration with, Novita Lau (Timur) and Shiori (Japan) in Borobudur, Magelang, Indonesia.

            Community Service : 

            • Lead Institut Seni Budaya Indonesia Tanah Papua at Irian Creative Weeks Part 4 at Jayapura Papua
            • Lead Action Community to host the Rantai Bunyi Residensi, as a part of Pekan Kebudayaan Nasional at Jayapura Papua Indonesia.
            • Lead the Rantai Bunyi participants from eastern Indonesia, to present at Galery Nasional as a part of Pekan Kebudayaan Nasional at Jakarta Indonesia.

            Curatorial Invitations : 

            Besar Widodo (from Yogyakarta-Indonesia/2010-2011), 
            Changsoik (from Korea/2013), 
            Bilqis Hijjas (from Rimbun Dahan, Malaysia/2015),
            Arco Renz (from Belgium/2015, 2017, 2018),
            Anna Wagner (from Germany/2015),
            Tang Fu Kuen (from Singapore/2015),
            Christoph Winkler (from Berlin/2016),
            Helly Minarti (from Indonesia/2016),
            Rainer Hofmann (from Utrecht/2017),
            Joseph Mitchell (from Adelaide/2017),
            Melati Suryodarmo (from Indonesia/2017/2020/2022/2024),
            Martinus Miroto (from Indonesia/2019),
            Ugoran Prasad (from Sydney/2020),
            Yudi Tahdjudin (from Indonesia/2020),
            KRT Daniel Haryono (from Indonesia/2020),
            Sasapin Siriwanji (from Bangkok/2020),
            Jeff Khan (from Sydney/2021),
            Seno Joko Suyono (from Indonesia/2021),
            Leili Huzaibah (from Brooklyn/2022),
            Jean Carla Rodeo (from NYC-LA/2022),
            Esther Neff (from New York City/2022,2023),

            Collaboration artists :

            Tian Rooteveel (from Berlin/2015-2017).
            Choy Ka Fai (from Singapore/2017-2018/2021).
            Jean Paul Lespagnard (from Brussel/2017).
            Daniel Kötter (from Berlin/2019-2022).
            Garasi Performance Institute (from Yogyakarta/2020).
            Alex Suarrez, Lucy Hollier (from New York/2023)
            Yola Yulfianti (from Indonesia/2023-24).

            Workshop participants with :

            Sussane Thomas (from England/2005)
            Emilia White (from USA/2005), 
            A.Aris Kadir (from Malaysia/2005), 
            Gerard Mosterd Dance Company (from Holland/2005), 
            Jecko Siompo (from Jakarta-Indonesia/2005), 
            Marion D’ruz (from Malaysia/2006), 
            Victorious Collage Art Australia (from Australia/2006), 
            Suhaimi Magi (from Malaysia/2006), 
            Sabrina LYNN Motley (from USA/2007), 
            Gugum Gumbira (from Bandung-Indonesia/2007), 
            Martinus Miroto (from Yogyakarta-Indonesia/2008), 
            Lin Yuan Shang (from France/2009)
            Didik Nini Thowok (from Yogyakarta-Indonesia/2010-2011), 
            Besar Widodo (from Yogyakarta-Indonesia/2010-2011), 
            Jannis Brener (from USA/2011),
            Tembi Dance Co with Ryuzanji Co (from Yogyakarta-Indonesia Japan/2011),
            Bagong Kussudiardja Foundation (from Yogyakarta-Indonesia/2011),
            Nishan Bholan (from England/2012),
            Bongkyo Seo (from Korea/2012),
            Shuya Lay (from Taiwan/2013),
            Titeres Leomar (from Mexico/2013),
            Deborah Hunt (from Port Tourico/2013),
            Gatot Danar Sulistiyanto (2014),
            Piet Hein (from Dutch/2014),
            Roderik de Man (from Dutch/2014),
            Michael Parmente (from New Zealand Dance Company/2016),
            Nancy Wijohn & Kelly Nash (from Altamira Dance Company, New Zealand/2016),
            Guy De Lancy (from New York/2021),
            Yola Yulfianti (from Indonesia/2023-24).

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