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"Hongi" Marae - Auckland University & Technology Auckland - New Zeland (please click link below for more) http://www.akarpadinews.com/read/budaya/merajut-budaya-indonesia-new-zealand-di-auckland#.WFnSxKHh-ow.facebook http://mediaindonesia.com/news/read/82118/menjaga-bara-seniman-muda/2016-12-11# |
Interdisciplinary Artist | Performer | Choreographer | Technonogist | Make Things Talk |
Darlane Litaay is a performer and choreographer. Drawing strength from Melanesian roots and physical expression to ride the hybrid witch, that friendly magical phenomena of life.
This blog is a portfolio of His journey - please click tabs in the horizontal bar above. Inquiries please email L_darl@yahoo.com
Thursday, December 22, 2016
Indonesia Cultural Performance
Monday, October 17, 2016
Specific Places Need Specific Dances is a dance piece that embarks from the act of waiting. Can waiting be a work of art? This question is the starting point of this 55-minute piece. To answer the question, Darlane Litaay (Indonesia) and Tian Rotteveel (Netherlands-UK) invite each other to enter each other’s space of daily habits. There, they both explore the activities of waiting in their respective cities: early mornings in randomly chosen spots, midnight at a club, middays at the studio, and online on the Internet. Then, they explore their experience in waiting inside a theater. There, they dance for each other and explore images, costumes, sounds, and lights. The piece recklessly combines East and West, high art and pop art, as well as electronic and ethnic music.
Supported by the NATIONALES PERFORMANCE NETZ (NPN) International Guest Performance Fund for Dance, which is funded by the Federal Government Commissioner for Culture and the Media on the basis of a decision by the German Bundestag.
Main Performance
Indonesia Dance Festival
04:00 pm - 05:30 pm
Nov 3th 2016
Teater Kecil Taman Ismail Marzuki
Jakarta Indonesia
(please click link below for more)
Tuesday, August 30, 2016
![]() (Please click link below for more) http://www.sophiensaele.com/festival.php?IDfestival=105&hl=en http://www.sophiensaele.com/produktionen.php?IDstueck=1545&hl=en http://www.sophiensaele.com/produktionen.php?IDstueck=1545&hl=de http://www.christoph-winkler.com/en/productions/the-witch-dance-project/ http://www.exberliner.com/events/witch-dance-project/ http://www.tanzscoutberlin.de http://www.tanzforumberlin.de/en/venue/sophiensaele/ http://www.sophiensaele.com/produktionen.php?IDstueck=1522&hl=en https://www.evensi.de/witch-dance-project-sophiensaele/186254368 http://tanzraumberlin.de/Witch-Dance-Project--443-1.html?id=12432 http://berlin.nachtkultur.info/events/witch-dance-project-sophiensaele_281193/ https://en-ca.fievent.com/e/witch-dance-project/4124645 http://www.berlin-buehnen.de/en/festivals/the-witch-dance-project/ https://www.movida-app.com/events/e-2288835 https://www.evensi.de/witch-dance-project-sophiensaele/186254368 |
Hexerei, Schamanismus und Rituale beeinflussen den zeitgenössischen Tanz von Anbeginn. Eines der bekanntesten Werke ist in diesem Kontext das expressionistische Solo Hexentanz 2 (1926) von Mary Wigman. Jahrzehnte nach der Premiere des Stückes erfährt der Begriff „Hexe“ eine radikal
https://en-ca.fievent.com/e/witch-dance-project/4124645le Umdeutung durch die Frauenbewegung: Starke Frauen, die sich gegen Unterdrückung auflehnen. Das Witch Dance Project widmet sich nun in einem dreitägigen Tanz-Happening der Rekonstruktion von Wigmans Solo aus außereuropäischer bzw. queerer Perspektive: Zehn internationale Choreografinnen nehmen sich sowohl des tänzerischen Materials als auch des Begriffs der „Hexe“ in verschiedenen Kulturen an. Entstanden sind Arbeiten, die aktuelle Theorien mit Wigmans Hexentanz verbinden und die Rezeption dieser außergewöhnlichen Arbeit in neue Dimensionen führen. Ergänzt, gespiegelt und erweitert wird das dichte Programm durch Lecture Performances, Filme, Live-Rituale und Gespräche.
Witchcraft, shamanism and rituals have been influencing contemporary dance from the beginning. One of the most famous pieces in this context is the expressionist soloHexentanz 2 (1926) by Mary Wigman. Decades after the piece premiered the term “witch” is experiencing a radical redefinition through the feminist movement: strong women who are standing up against oppression. Over a three-day dance happening the Witch Dance Project will be dedicated to the reconstruction of Wigman’s solo through a non-European or rather queer perspective: ten international choreographers will not only take on the dance material but will also deal with the term “witch” in various cultures. The results are works which connect current theories to Wigman’s Hexentanz, and examine how this extraordinary piece is received and taken into new dimensions. The comprehensive program will be complimented, reflected and expanded upon with lecture performances, films, live rituals and discussions.
6.30pm physical introduction Tanzscout Berlin, Tickets 5€
6.30pm lecture Which is the Witch? by Nora Amin
8pm performances by Claire Vivianne Sobottke, Jahra "Rager" Wasasala, Darlane Litaay, Dana Michel
10pm young girl reading group #134
7pm lecture GEGEN Witches von Francesco Macarone Palmieri aka WARBEAR + Alessia D´artino aka A/ONA
8pm performances by Rodrigo Alves Garcia/Studio Disorder, Christine Joy Alpuerto Ritter, Nadia Beugré + Manou Gallo
approx. 9.30pm Samhain(Halloween) ritual with Attis Silke Beyn
6pm film screening She’s beautiful when she’s angry
8pm performances by Melanie Jame Wolf, Danya Hammoud, Melati Suryodarmo
approx. 9.30pm lecture Mary Wigman and Asia by Susan Manning and talk with the artists and Irene Sieben
approx. 11pm party with DJ Ziúr + DJ Pam Bam
11am-6pm Workshop HexenFrauenKrauft with Attis Silke Beyn
WITH PERFORMANCES BY Nadia Beugré + Manou Gallo, Rodrigo Garcia Alves, Danya Hammoud, Darlane Litaay, Dana Michel, Jahra "Rager" Wasasala, Christine Joy Alpuerto Ritter, Claire Vivianne Sobottke, Melati Suryodarmo, Melanie Jame Wolf ACCOMPANYING PROGRAMME BY Attis Silke Beyn, Alessia D´artino aka A/ONA, Francesco Macarone Palmieri aka WARBEAR, Susan Manning, Irene Sieben, young girl reading group IDEA Christoph Winkler CURATION Franziska Werner, Christoph Winkler DRAMATURGY ehrliche arbeit - freies Kulturbüro TECHNICAL DIRECTION OF PRODUCTION, LIGHT DESIGN Arne Schmitt MANAGEMENT Franziska Schrage, Johanna Withelm
A project by Christoph Winkler and SOPHIENSÆLE in collaboration with ehrliche arbeit – freies Kulturbüro. Funded by TANZFONDS ERBE – eine Initiative der Kulturstiftung des Bundes and the Governing Mayor of Berlin – Senate Chancellery – Cultural Affairs/Kofinanzierungsfonds. Friendly supported by International Research Center "Interweaving Performance Cultures". Media partners: Missy Magazine, taz.die tageszeitung.
Thursday, July 28, 2016
![]() Dramaturg Workshop 1 - 3 August 2016 Kinosaurus - Kemang Jakarta Indonesia |
http://artsummitindonesia.kemdikbud.go.id/view/detil/113/menelusuri-kembali-dramaturgi-lewat-dua-seri-lokakarya |
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